Perhaps it even came about after our primitive ancestors ran and walked in bare feet over uneven ground resulting in tender areas on their feet which resulted in healing in their bodies.

The origins of reflexology are believed to date back at least 5,000 years ago. Many ancient Chinese books talk about techniques that are similar and sometimes identical to modern reflexology. Eg. they practiced the “Examining Foot Method”. There are also many references in an ancient text called The Great Yellow Emperors Medical Book (The Inner Cannon, The Classic of Internal Medicine. It has a few names depending on where you look)

The information in this text is still used by Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners all over the world today.

In 2,330 BC, there was found in anFoot Reflexology Calgary Egyptian tomb of Ankhmahor (second in charge after the king) a mural of the people practicing something that looks an awful lot like reflexology. One man had his feet receiving reflexology, another his finger Underneath the picture is this writing.. (rough translation)   the patient is saying “do not cause pain” and the physician replies “I will give you only pleasure”

A German physiologist, Johann Unzer was the first to use the word ‘reflex’ in 1771. In the 1890s Europe saw an explosion of medical and scientific discoveries especially in the neurological field, two notable researchers in the UK were Sir Henry Head and Sir Charles Sherrington. The term ‘reflex massage’ was used.

In 1902 Dr. Alfons Cornelius produced a paper showing the effectiveness of certain sensitive spots on the body, he discovered that this caused other changes to occur, including changes in blood pressure, temperature, and the patient’s mental state.