
Experience the Incredible Health Benefits of Reflexology in the comfort of your own home!

Benefits of Reflexology

An example of a reflex is when the doctor taps the knee and the foot jerks. This shows that touching one part of the body has an effect on another part of the body. When these reflex areas are stimulated, the body relaxes. When the body is relaxed, it heals and balances itself.

Reflexology Calgary activates the healing powers within the body. The healing goes where it is needed and occurs on all levels: mind, body and

Does STRESS and ANXIETY stop you from enjoying life?

Reflexology puts your body into a relaxed state, allowing it to begin healing itself.

HELPFUL FOR: Stress Relief, Headaches, Hot Flashes, Menstrual Cramps, Back Pain, Foot Pain, Arthritis, Deep Relaxation, Releasing Toxins from the Body, Improved Circulation, Revitalized Energy, Balance & Feeling of Well Being

“… the hot flashes have decreased enough that I hardly even notice them”

Do you want your body to heal itself naturally?

Reflexology Allows Your Body to Heal Itself

Reflexology puts your body into a relaxed state, allowing it to begin healing itself.

HELPFUL FOR: Stress Relief, Headaches, Hot Flashes, Menstrual Cramps, Back Pain, Foot Pain, Arthritis, Deep Relaxation, Releasing Toxins from the Body, Improved Circulation, Revitalized Energy, Balance & Feeling of Well Being

“… the hot flashes have decreased enough that I hardly even notice them”

Do you want to get rid of headaches, sore feet or back, neck pain?

More Effective and Longer Lasting Than Massage

With less pain and discomfort than a massage.

“A few days ago I was at the gym and overdid it. For the next couple of days I was having difficulty walking and even sleeping. Lynn gave me a treatment. I was able to spend the entire day painting a room. However, two days later I was in even worse pain. At work it took me a long time to straighten up after sitting. Both sitting and walking were painful. I went for a second treatment two days later because the pain returned. During the day I was bent over and unable to get up and walk easily. After the treatment the relief was immediate. I went for a 45 minute walk in the evening. Reflexology has given me relief and is speeding up my recovery.” Bruce Renton, Calgary, AB

Are HOT FLASHES affecting your quality of life?

Reflexology Benefits us by Balancing the Whole Body.

For the body to be healthy, everything must work together. Just like a car, if one part is not working properly, it affects the performance of the whole car.Reflexology is like a tune up for the whole body. One of the greatest benefits of reflexology is that it helps to bring all the systems (circulatory, respiratory, digestive, elimination, lymphatic, nervous, endocrine) back into balance.

Book Your Appointment

Hot Flashes


Stress and Anxiety

Healing Naturally

As Lynn was working on my feet, I felt the tension leaving my body. It was weird – I felt more relaxed than I’ve ever felt. Not only that, after the one-hour treatment, I could actually stand for more than 5 minutes without the pain.

  Dauna Friesen, Calgary, AB

"I noticed that the way Lynn’s treatment was able to get deeper into the muscle tissue than a traditional massage."

 Bruce Renton, Calgary, AB

“Lynn has an incredible ability with her reflexology. I love the fact that Lynn comes to my home. There are times I can’t drive due to bad migraines and Lynn comes to me. She is able to reduce the pain greatly and get me in a relaxed state.”

Cheryl Traxler, Okotoks, AB

Lynn is one of the Top Reflexology Therapist in Your Area.

Reflexology Blog

Bringing you all things feet! Did you know wholeness and health can be treated and balance found through your feet? Every month Lynn brings you fresh insight and tips to stay healthy and remind you how your feet are part of it all! 

Reflexology and Pain Relief

Reflexology and Pain Relief

Reflexology is a complementary therapy that involves applying pressure to certain points on the feet, hands, or ears, which are believed to correspond to different parts of the body. While there is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that reflexology can help alleviate...

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Foot Pain helped through Reflexology

Foot Pain helped through Reflexology

What is Foot Reflexology? A reflexology treatment aims to restore the body’s natural balance. In this busy world, we spend a lot of time on our feet and they take a daily pounding. We put our feet under a lot of pressure and never give them a thought until they start...

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How Reflexology can help Headaches

How Reflexology can help Headaches

Do you suffer from headaches that you would like to treat without having to resort to medication? If so, keep reading, as reflexology might be just what you need! What is a Headache?           A headache is “pain or discomfort in the head.  It can occur on one or both...

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New Year – New You

New Year – New You

Many people start the new year with improving their health. An important first step is to detoxify the body. The lymphatic system is one of the ways that the toxins are taken out of the body. The lymph travels alongside the circulatory system. What is the Lymphatic...

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How Reflexology Can Reduce Anxiety

How Reflexology Can Reduce Anxiety

“I haven’t felt this relaxed in years!” I hear this so often after a client receives a Reflexology treatment. Most people feel some level of anxiety during their life. Some people feel mild anxiety, while others, it can affect their quality of life. Anxiety can cause...

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Appointments Only

Please contact Lynn for your in home reflexology mobile treatment.