Learn More About This Reflexologist
“This is the most rewarding and best job that I have ever had!”
Lynn Paulhus, Reflexologist, Calgary
She loves the flexibility and variety that being a reflexologist provides. She has given treatments in places such as; spas, chiropractor’s office, hospitals, places of business and clients homes for their convenience.
The comfort and ease of Lynn’s sessions make a great gift for everyone. She is available to do ladies socials, retreats and conferences. She has even donated her services to charities! She is a big player in local trade shows as well.
Her genuine love and concern for people is a perfect match for the profession of a reflexologist.
Lynn has extensive training through the following courses and workshops and is continually educating herself.
Her formal training consists of the following:
Reflexologist Training by: Trudy Semmler, Brighton, Ontario – 1987
Certified by: Christopher Shirley of Pacific Reflexology Centre in Vancouver, BC – 1994
College of Natural Healing Arts, St.Alberta – 1994
Usui Reiki Master Level 2006-2007 Donna Padlesky Bonnyville, AB
Endocrine and Reproductive System Reflexology Workshop April 2015 Invest in your Sole, Ina Clarke
Signs and Symptons Relfexology Workshop October 2014 Invest in your Sole, Ina Clarke
HOW TO RELIEVE CHRONIC FOOT PAIN Academy of Ancient Reflexology Fall 2021
THE KRUCHIK METHOD Created and delivered by Mauricio (Moshe) Kruchik Fall 2021

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